Richard Bach on flying’s core

New Richard Bach words on flying! He’s owned 41 planes, flew jets in the USAF, and as West Coast editor of Flying magazine saw loads more. I asked him what’s core to flying them all?

“Flying all these aircraft is based on one single prayer that will never come true:

Please let me become the sky.

From 10 mph in a paraglider to Mach 2 in an F-106 waits the same feeling. Surrounded by forever in the center of the sky, we yearn to become that foreverness, ourselves. Some say that’s so, that our spirit lives forever.

Flying is the closest I’ve found to expressing that feeling, in this lifetime.”

Thank you Richard. For all your words, and constant kindness.

Jonathan Livingston Seagull

He’s in his eighties now, but sometimes still active in spaces online. Quote this week was online at And it’s not too late to get some of his books as Christmas presents. For you or someone else.

2 thoughts on “Richard Bach on flying’s core

  1. Richard Bach’s books occupy a special place in my life. Thanks for this. And thank you, Mr. Bach, for inspiring yet another small boy to seek a lifetime of enlightenment from flying

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