Checklist complete! Or is it?

This airline training slide explains ‘active monitoring’ – visualize, act, compare. You must look for something, not just at something: It’s easy to say we should be mentally flying the aeroplane, but it’s also kind of a cop out. So it’s a nice addition to have some concrete ideas on how to actually do it.

Your only competition

The most insightful part of this super cool article (and video) is at the end:   “Ultimately, your only competition is yourself.” Jason Stephens, owner of Arizona Soaring Five-time national US glider aerobatics champion, who is described here as the “most accomplished American competition aerobatic glider pilot of his generation.” Quote in AOPA Pilot magazine, Zen Masters, July 2016. “The motivation is to get better. And learn more. And be more precise. And just enjoy it too.“ Lukas von Atzigen Unlimited glider aerobatics pilot